To close the setup and discard any changes, click on "setup" in the menu again. Saving changes will reset all of the scores.
Number of players :
End of round goals board type :
green | competitive type
Player names :
keep 1st player first
Welcome and thanks for using the WingSpanner Score Card app! This app was written by me, Jeremy Boissel, mostly because I really like the Wingspan game, found the official scoring app to be a bit on the pricy side and wanted to make it easier to tally up scores. This app can be downloaded to your iOS eg. iPhone or Android devices. Please see "full guide" for instructions on how to do this. To use the app, most of you will be able to fly through the "quick guide" but should you need more detailed help, please click on "full guide" in the menu.
This list will include supporters of this app, see "App Fees" below.
No cookies, no shared data ... That's my promise to you! The only information that's stored locally are number of players, End-of-Round Goals board type and player names. This is stored so you don't have to keep setting the app up each time and is especially useful if you often play with the same players and setup.
App Fees
This app is free-ish ... what?! The app is entirely free to use as it will always be. However, if you like and use this app often, I'd love to ask you to make a contribution to the charity of your choice and why not, since the game is bird-based, make a donation to the National Audubon Society [go to]. I will include a list of supporters in this app. To be a part of the list, simply eMail me a copy of your donation receipt [whichever charity you chose] and the name you'd like to have appear in the list to
If you don't want to be left out of the loop, join the WingSpanner mailing list by writing to me at I solemnly promise that all private information [ie. eMail address, name, etc.] will not be used for any other purposes than notifying you on major changes to the WingSpanner app and how to update your version. I will not send you SPAM or Phishing content [I am not Cambridge Analytica or Facebook ☻].
Bugs & Suggestions
This app has not been fully beta-tested [I know, how unprofessional]. I've run multiple scenarios on it but honestly do not have the time or resources to go through everything. In other words, you are my beta-testers. Do not worry, no code in this app can harm your device in any way. If you encounter any issues with the app, if I have made any errors that need correcting, if you have questions concerning the app or if you have any suggestions to make the app easier or better, please do not hesitate to write to me at
v1.3 - 2023.01.07 - add: 1st player random in setup | v1.2 - 2023.01.03 - fix: input type patterns for Chrome & Android, add: APK app file | v1.1 - 2023.01.01 - fix: stupidly had only 12 possible bird card point inputs, corrected to 15 | v1.0 - 2023.01.01
For a more detailed guide and instructions on how to download the app to your iOS eg. iPhone or Android devices, please click on "full guide" in the menu. FYI: Leaving fields empty is the same as typing in "0".
To access, click on "setup" in the menu. Choose the number of players, type of End-of-Round Goals board you are using, player names and if the first player should be chosen at random or not.
Bird cards
Type in all bird card points one after the other eg. "1", "5", "3", "9", "5", "3", "2" = "1539532". The order does not matter. You may but do not need to type in empty fields or "0" cards.
Bonus card points
Total number of points from all your bonus cards.
Eggs on cards
Total number of eggs on bird cards. 1 egg = 1 point.
Stashed food
Total number of stashed food on bird cards. 1 food token = 1 point.
Tucked cards
Total number of bird cards tucked behind your birds. 1 tucked card = 1 point.
End of round bonuses
Bonus points for each round as printed on the End-of-Round Goals card. Ties will automatically be calculated by the app.
Nectar bonuses
Oceania expansion required. End of game bonus points for spent nectars per habitat as printed on the game mats. Ties will automatically be calculated by the app.
When done inputing all scores, click on "BIRD CALL". The totals will be calculated by the app and displayed.
Reset scores
To access, click "reset scores" from the menu. It will zero all the scores but not player names and settings.
The full guide offers you a more thorough explanation of the app, its settings, how to type in scores and how it works. If you wish to close this guide, simply click on "full guide" once more in the menu or on the "close full guide" button at the end of this tutorial. Opening and closing the guide will not erase any of the values you may have already entered on the scoring card so you can always take a peek should you require assistance.
Saving WingSpanner app to iPhone/Android devices
WingSpanner is a fully capable stand-alone app that may be downloaded to your iOS or android device. This way you can have easy access to it as if it were just another app. This may require a few more steps than downloading off the Apple Store or Google Play but honestly, I didn't want to pay to have the app on these platforms. To download the app to your device, choose your platform:
Wingspan is an engine building board game made by Elizabeth Hargrave & Stonemaier Games. It's great fun to play, requires a bit of time to get into but is well worth the effort. Usually, you have 2-5 players and a game last around 3/4 to 2 hours. There is a version you can play by yourself and expansion packs such as European, Oceania and Asia are available for purchase.
WingSpanner is an app that allows you to tally up your scores at the end of the game to see who got what, who won and who lost. I have tried to make is as easy as possible to use.
You can access the setup by clicking on "setup" in the menu. There are only four things you can but are not required to fill out. By clicking on "close & save changes", the settings will be saved locally so should you close the app, re-opening it will include previous settings [but not scores]. Saving setup changes will erase any scores you have previously entered and reset the game.
Players: Here you can choose the total number of players [2-5].
End of Round Goals Board Type: [green/blue] Here you can choose if you are using the green or blue sides of the "End-of-Round Goals" board mat. The green [default] side is competitive. Here players compete for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The blue side is point-based. Those who do not meet any of the requirements for the End-of-Round Goals points get 0 points [green or blue]. With the blue side you can get a maximum of 5 points. Please see "End of round bonuses" and "Ties" in this guide for more information.
Player 1, Player 2, Player 3 ... Here you can type in the name of your players eg. "Maggie, John, Joanne ..." if you wish to or leave them as is.
Keep 1st player first: If you toggle this button to "choose 1st player randomly", the app will choose a first player for you at random while keeping the order of the players intact. Once you "close & save changes" the first player to appear on the WingSpanner Score Card starts the game. This is helpful if you're having a hard time deciding who should go first.
Scoring is done per player, starting with "Player 1" eg. "Maggie" from the example above. Please make sure you understand the way scoring is done in this app as well as the game itself. I have tried my best to make it as simple as possible so you can quickly go through the entire list. When you click on the very first field "Bird cards scores" of the very first player eg. "Player 1" or "Maggie", you may enter the amount and use use the arrow key on your keypad to quickly access the next field and do this until you have reached the last field of the last player. This way you can easily move from one field to the next using the keypad [on PCs skipping to the next field is done using the TAB key]. It's important to note that skipping fields ie. leaving them blank is the same as typing "0" into them.
Bird cards: I thought the easiest way to do this would be for you to simply type in the value of the bird cards one after the other. It actually doesn't matter where you start [left to right, right to left, top to bottom, bottom to top] and you do not need to include any empty spaces. So if you read the bird card values as follows: "3, 5, 9, 4, 4, 1, 7" simply type in "3594417". As stated you do not need to but you may also count the empty spaces eg. if you type in "359044001700" you will achieve the same results as if you had typed in "3594417" [or even "7144953"].
Bonus card points: Check all of your bonus cards and add up any points you may have gotten through them and enter the total in this field [99 max].
Eggs on cards: Simply add all of the eggs stashed on your bird cards together and enter the total in this field. Each egg counts as 1 point [99 max].
Stashed food: Simply add all of the stashed food tokens on your bird cards together and enter the total in this field. Each food item counts as 1 point [99 max].
Tucked cards: Add all of the tucked cards under your birds together and enter the total in this field. Each tucked card counts as 1 point [99 max].
End of round bonuses: I have also tried to make it as easy as possible here. Depending on the layout you chose [green or blue End-of-Round Goals board] during setup, you will see possible points in these field boxes eg. either "6/3/2/0" or "0-5" for round 3. These are the possible points you may type into these fields. It is not possible, for example, to type in a "4" if the field states "6/3/2/0" or a "6" if the field reads "0-5". At the end of the game, simply type in the obtained points per player and per round as printed on the End-of-Round Goals board. Players who do not meet End-of-Round Goals requirements get 0 points. Should players tie, the app will automatically calculate the correct point distribution to these players. If you are not using End-of-Round Goals simply either leave these fields empty or type "0" into them. Also see "Ties" for more information.
Nectar bonuses: Nectars are part of the Oceania expansion kit. At the end of the game, tally up each player's spent nectar tokens for each habitat ie. forest, grassland & wetland. For each habitat, the player with the most spent nectar tokens receives 5 points and the player with the second most gets 2 points. All others as well as players who have no spent nectars receive 0 points. Therefore the fields are pre-marked with "5/2/0" and you may not enter another number eg. "1" into these fields. If you are not using nectar bonuses or do not have the Oceania expansion, simply either leave these fields empty or type "0" into them. Also see "Ties" for further explanations.
Ties: Ties may occur with nectar bonuses or End-of-Round Goals [when using the competitive/green board]. Since you are awarding 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ... place for these bonuses, multiple players may occupy multiple places. There are a few important things to note and this has been misunderstood by many so I'll do my best to explain things here. The app will automatically calculate scores for tied players but it's imperative that you follow instructions correctly. Otherwise, points may falsely be attributed. When typing in the scores for End-of-Round Goals and spent nectar tokens, you must enter the points as printed on the game mats. Example: Maggie and Joanne both tie for 2nd place in round 3 of the End-of-Round Goals, meaning they tie for 2nd and 3rd place. 3rd place can no longer be occupied by another player. This means Maggie and Joanne both share the points for 2nd and 3rd place. In the "End of round bonuses, round 3" fields for Maggie and Joanne you must type in the points as they appear on the game mat; in our case "3" will be entered into these fields for both players. The app will calculate as follows: End-of-Round Goals round 3, 2nd place [3 points] + 3rd place [2 points] = 5 points, divided by the number of players [2] => 5/2 => 2 [points are rounded down]. Therefore, typing "3" into both Maggie's and Joanne's "End of round bonuses, round 3" fields will award them each 2 points. It may even occur that more than 2 players tie for a certain place. Let's say Maggie, John and Joanne each tie for 1st place in the End-of-Round Goals for round 3. In this case 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are occupied and only 4th place may be occupied by another player [4th place will give you 0 points]. In the appropriate fields, "End of round bonuses, round 3" for Maggie, John and Joanne you must type in "6". The app will calculate: round 3, 1st place [6 points] + 2nd place [3 points] + 3rd place [2 points] => 11 points/3 players => 3 points per player [rounded down]. The same rules apply for the spent nectar token bonuses. It is also important to note that tied players may receive 0 points. For example if John & Joanne tie for 3rd place in round 2 of the End-of-Round Goals, you would type "1" into the appropriate fields but both players will get 0 points since 1/2 => 0 points [rounded down].
When you are done and have gone through the entire list of points and fields, click on the "BIRD CALL" button and your scores will be totalled up and displayed at the bottom. The winner or winners will be displayed in bold. If there is a tie, the game rules state that the player with the most unspent food token in their food tray is declared the winner. I haven't added this because it would require even more fields and to be honest, I think you can debate this amongst yourselves if you feel a need for an absolute winner. FYI the rules state that if players tie AND if players have the same amount of unspent food tokens in their food trays that all tied players win. Like I said, just rooster-fight it out.
Reset scores
In the menu [top right] under "reset scores" you may erase all the scores of the WingSpanner score card for all players. This resets the game but leaves all settings such as number of players, type of End-of-Round Goals board and player names unchanged.
If you need any assistance or have encountered a problem using this app or have a suggestion that could make things easier or better for you, simply write to me at